Last week our surrogate Ashley and her husband drove into Toronto for her medical screening appointment at Create Fertility Centre. This was the first of many exciting moments for us together as an IP/surrogate team – even though she’s already received pre-clearance from her family doctor and our surrogacy agency, it is ultimately up to our clinic to determine whether she is ready for a transfer or if there are any things she’ll need to address beforehand.

Her screening appointment included several tests, including a full physical, a pelvic ultrasound, as well as urine and blood tests. Her husband also did blood tests to ensure that Baby Colt will be 100% safe for the duration of his or her stay in Ashley’s womb. The final results can take a few weeks to come in, so (like many points in a surrogacy journey) we’re once again in waiting mode until we hear back from the clinic.
After Ashley’s appointment, the four of us went out for lunch near the clinic. Seeing each other is special, because even though we don’t live that far from each other (about two hours) most of our conversations are on FaceTime or by text. Like usual we spent the time laughing and generally enjoying each other’s company. Afterwards Ashley and I decided to make some Instagram/TikTok videos in the parking lot while our husbands stood by and chatted. Dancing/lip syncing to Justin Bieber in a public place isn’t normally how either of us spends our time, but it was fun! As silly as it is, it’s little things like this that serve as a fun opportunity for us to bond. One day maybe Baby Colt will look at these videos and say we’re embarrassing them!
So, what’s next?
Obviously we’re still very early in our journey. The next big step after receiving the medical clearance from the clinic will be signing contracts. Zane and I already have our lawyer (Sara Cohen), and Ashley will find a different lawyer to represent her. We will draft a contract for Ashley and her lawyer to review, and once we all feel comfortable with the document we’ll sign and be ready for transfer!
I’ve long since abandoned the idea of timelines (I’ve learned my lesson by every time estimate I’ve had being wrong). For now we are excited and celebrating each step and each new day in the journey. We can’t wait to share each new update as it happens though!