In order to become a surrogate, there are a number of medical and personal criteria that a person must meet. The below qualifications are general, and some clinics, agencies, and intended parents may opt to add more qualifications.
Medical requirements
Between the ages of 21 and 42
At least one prior healthy, uncomplicated pregnancy
*Most clinics require that a surrogate has finished building her own family, which is a recommendation that we echo
No more than 3 prior C-sections
No history of serious delivery/postpartum complications
Healthy lifestyle (non-smoker, no history of drug use or alcohol abuse)
Not on pregnancy-unsafe medications
Good mental health
Non-medical requirements
Stable income or, in case of stay-at-home moms, stable household income
Full support of spouse/partner, if surrogate has one
Enjoy being pregnant
Ability to work collaboratively with lawyer, fertility clinic, psychologists, intended parent(s), and others as needed to ensure safe pregnancy and delivery
Good communicator
Willingness to attend regular appointments
Ability to take oral and injectable medication on a regular schedule, as directed by a doctor
Some intended parents have other non-negotiable criteria for their surrogates. Some examples can be found below.
Examples of intended parent preferences
Location (how close does the surrogate live to fertility clinic or IPs)
Willingness to receive/not receive certain vaccinations
Delivery preferences (hospital birth vs. home birth or birthing centre, OB/GYN vs. midwife, etc)
Personal convictions on termination of pregnancy
Desired long-term relationship between IP family and surrogate family
Number of embryos that IP and surrogate are comfortable transferring at once
Dietary restrictions (vegan, vegetarian, Kosher, Halal, etc)
Privacy and comfort levels with sharing of surrogacy journey on social media, etc