We have confirmation from our clinic that our second FET (frozen embryo transfer) will be taking place next Friday! I’m excited to have movement in our journey, and also nervous. Today our embryos are tucked away safely in cryopreservation at the fertility clinic. In seven days time, one of them will be thawed and placed in Ashley for some ‘extreme babysitting’.
Unlike our first transfer, we now understand the risks involved with each transfer much more intimately. There are no guarantees in IVF and surrogacy, something that’s often overlooked by people who have never walked the halls of a fertility clinic. We’ve also learned just how physically taxing the medication can be – Ashley is an absolute trooper, and has remained insanely brave in the face of it all, but we are quite literally a huge pain in her butt. Pun intended. (For those who aren’t aware, she’s done so many painful needles in her backside to give us a chance at a baby.)
As for where my head is at moving into this transfer: I’m feeling really good. Our last cycle was cancelled just days beforehand, so I tried to avoid getting too excited until now, but at this point it’s hard not to be. I know that a lot of people have a tendency to guard their hearts when it comes to transfers, but I want to lean into good feelings. These moments can be really scary, but they’re also full of hope, excitement, and wonder.
The little embryo we left at our clinic one year ago could be home with us in nine months, wide-eyed and sleepy, turning our lives upside down in the most perfect way. That is an incredibly magical concept, and it’s what will be fueling me through the next few weeks.